UBH Denton's Women's Symposium
Join us for UBH Denton's Women's Symposium on Friday, October 13, 2023!
University Behavioral Health of Denton is proud to present our first annual Women’s Symposium. Please join us for a speaker series of important women’s behavioral health presentations brought to you by experts in the mental health field. This event offers CE’s for 4.5 hours of credit. In addition, we will provide breakfast, lunch and an opportunity for networking.
This year, we are pleased to sponsor a fantastic Denton County non-profit organization, Refuge for Women. Refuge for Women is a non-profit, faith-based organization providing specialized long-term and emergency housing for women who have escaped human trafficking or sexual exploitation. If you feel so inclined, donations to Refuge for Women will be accepted at registration. Their ‘House Needs’ list and website can be found below.
K?eynote Speaker — Dr. Nicole Hawkins, PhD, CEDS-S
Dr. Hawkins is a clinical psychologist and is the Chief Executive Officer at Center for Change. She is a specialist in eating disorders and body image and has provided clinical expertise at Center for Change since 1999.
Dr. Hawkins developed a comprehensive body image program that focuses on the media, diet industry, plastic surgery, childhood issues and learning to appreciate one’s body, and she leads these groups for the Inpatient and Residential patients at Center for Change. She is a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (Supervisor), has published several articles and presents regularly at national and regional conferences.
8:00AM – Registration & Hygiene Item donation for Refuge for Women (House Needs Below)
8:00AM – Breakfast & Networking
8:45AM – 8:45AM – Speakers – Amy Lawrence, Certified School Counselor & Rebekah de Peo-Christner, LPC-S, LCDC, NCC – Women’s Substance Use and Mental Health in the Era of COVID-19 (1.0 CE)
9:45AM – Keynote Speaker – Dr. Nicole Hawkins, PhD, CEDS-S - The Dangerous Intersection of Negative Body Image, Social Media, the Diet Industry and Eating Disorders (1.5 CE)
11:15AM – Break
11:30AM– Speaker – Rick Rayl, UBH PharmD – Pharmacological Considerations in Women’s Behavioral Health Treatment (1.0 CE)
12:30PM – Lunch & Networking
1:30PM – Speaker – Amanda Noyes, LCSW-S - Women in the Military: Their History, Their Traumas, and Their Treatment (1.0 CE)
2:30PM – Break
2:45PM – Speaker – UBH Recreation Therapist Cameron Stogner – Non-Traditional Therapeutic Techniques - Sound Bath with Tibetan Singing Bowls
3:30PM – Program Evaluation & Networking
House Needs for Refuge for Women
- Gift Cards (gas cards preferred, however, will accept Grocery gift cards as well as Walmart, Target, Fast Food/Treats)
- Cerave face wash
- Cerave facial Moisturizer
- Maui Brand Shampoo & Conditioner
- Pantene Gold Series Shampoo and Conditioner
- Toilet Paper
- WetJet Spray
- Paper Towels
- Dryer Sheets
- Super Tampons
- Super or Overnight Sanitary Napkins
- Contact Solution
- Hair Grease
- Olive Oil Shampoo and Conditioner
- Hair Styling Gel
- Leave-in Conditioner
- Mousse
- Black Rubber Bands for kinky hair
Date and Time
Friday Oct 13, 2023
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Friday, October 13th, 2023
Texas Women’s University, Southeast Ballroom within Hubbard Hall
301 Administration Dr Denton, TX 76201
Free to Attend
Contact Information
Eric Erwin
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